Year 7
In Year 7 the boys attend Alpine Ash Mountain Retreat which is located in Toolangi, near Healesville. In this traditional, time-honoured destination the boys stay for three nights and four days in modern accommodation. The camp gives each boy the opportunity to get to know his fellow classmates, Homeroom teachers and other staff in a friendly and adventurous environment, as they participate in the many activities including: a flying fox, indoor basketball, oval activities, bush hikes, a high rope course, orienteering, team building initiatives, talent quests, and the much loved dodge ball.
Year 9
Hiking Camp
In Term 1 of Year 9, all students attend a four day hiking camp in the picturesque Mt Baw Baw region. In order to build resilience, team work and leadership skills, students are split into small groups and required to plan, buy and cook all food during the camp. The groups must also set up and sleep in their own tents each night. In addition to hiking each day while carrying all their supplies and possessions, the boys participate in mountain bike riding and white water rafting. The camp is a fantastic opportunity for the boys to build strong relationships, experience challenges, develop new skills and experience the beauty of the natural world.
Alfred and Eli wrote an article about the 2021 camp that was published in the June edition of the North & West Melbourne News: link to article - see page 4