Where is Simonds?
Simonds is at the edge of the CBD, in West Melbourne, two blocks away from the Queen Victoria Market. The main entrance is at Victoria Street. The beautiful St Mary Star of the Sea Church is to our east, on the corner of Victoria and Howard Streets.
How big is Simonds?
Simonds is a small school with 410 students. Our small size means that we know each boy not just by name, but by nature too. Because of this we can support him and inspire him to dream big and be all he can be. He will learn in a positive, safe and orderly environment, one where everyone feels that they belong to the ‘Simonds family'.
Is Simonds a selective or non-selective school?
Simonds is a non-selective Catholic boys’ secondary school.
What curriculum is offered?
In Year 7 to 10 we teach the Victorian Curriculum F–10 which sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship. A language study, Italian or Japanese, is compulsory up until the end of Year 9.
Year 10 students select their program from a combination of core subjects, electives and/or a Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) subject.
Year 11 and 12 students may choose to study the more than 20 subjects we offer towards a Victoria Certificate of Education (VCE) or may follow a vocational pathway and complete the VCE Vocational Major.
How big are classes?
We cap our classes at 24, and often they are smaller. The average year 7-10class size is 20.
The average VCE class size is 15.
What time does school start and end?
8:45am – 3:20pm each day apart from Wednesday which has an earlier finishing time of 2.45pm.
There are six, 45 minute lessons each day as well as a 30 minute REP (reading) class on six days in the cycle. Find out about REP here.
There is Homeroom at the beginning and end of the day for Year 7-9 students, and at the beginning of the day for Year 10-12 students. We recommend boys arrive at school by 8.30am so that they have enough time to go to their lockers and organise their books. A warning bell rings at 8.40am.
I have missed the enrolment closing date! Are there places available? Can I be put on a waiting list?
Places are still available at Year 7 for next year and across some other year levels. Contact the Registrar on +61 3 9321 9207 to enquire about a Late Enrolment.
We are non-Catholic. Can we still apply?
We welcome applications from other faith traditions.
How are students grouped? How are they taken care of?
Students are grouped in Homerooms that come together in the morning and afternoon. Homeroom Teachers have responsibility for the wellbeing of students in his/her Homeroom. The Homeroom Teacher will normally be the first point of contact if parents have any concerns and is the crucial provider of Pastoral Care.
In the Year 7 to 9 Homeroom Teachers get to know each boy in their charge very well. Apart from Homeroom time, REP and Pastoral Care lessons they would (in most cases) also take him for more than one subject.
The Pastoral Care programmes and behavioural management procedures ensures that your son will be in caring and nurturing environment, one that offers a range of experiences that help develop his self-confidence and resilience. We have processes in place to provide support to address individual needs through learning support, pastoral care and counselling programs.
The school is divided into two sub schools Yr 7- 9 and Yr 10-12. In each subschool there is a director of students and two assistants that play pivotal roles in caring for each student as an individual and ensuring that all make progress.
There is one school counsellor as well as a careers adviser.
How much more do we need to pay for books, excursions and camps?
The Tuition Fees paid per annum includes all curriculum related excursions and camps, co-curricular activities and sport, and access to information technology resources.
Text books, stationery packs and uniforms are not included in the tuition fees. The laptop is a separate charge.
*Please note private instrumental lessons, VET classes and International Tours carry additional charges if students participate.
Do all students have a laptop? Can my son bring his own device?
Boys in each year level have 1:1 access to technology. Laptops are purchased through the school. Students are required to bring their device, fully charged to school each day.
Does the school offer before and after school care?
No, but our library opens at 8am and remains open until 4pm.
Is there a canteen?
A canteen is available for students who do not bring their own snacks and lunch, while students in Year 12 have the privilege of leaving the school premises during lunch to buy food from the various nearby options.