The focus in Years 7 to 9 is on building solid academic foundations in preparation for the years ahead. Students undertake a broad range of core subjects.

The Power of Reading
We have a particular emphasis on reading across the whole campus.
REP stands for Reading Equals Power. During four 30 minute sessions per week, straight after recess, students silently read a novel they have chosen from those available in their reading range.
Click here to find out about our dedicated reading program, REP.
Year 7 Program
Year 7 is the first time where students are experiencing individual subjects, taught by specialist teachers, as the norm.
Students are eased into this transition from primary school to this next level of learning. Most subjects are taught in the familiar environment of students' Homeroom which is the classroom they spend most of their time in each day. Their Homeroom Teacher will take them for more than one subject. Subjects such as Food Technology, Science and Music are taught in specialist classrooms.
Year 7 subjects
All Year 7 students study: Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Humanities, Science and Health & Physical Education for the full year. Semester length subjects include: Digital Technologies (Coding), Visual Art & Design, Music, Drama and Food Technology.
Our language offerings are Italian and Japanese. From 2024 students will make the choice to study either Italian or Japanese prior to commencing Year 7, and continue with this language through to Year 9 at least.
Literacy support classes (SPARK) are undertaken instead of a language by students requiring extra literacy support.
Moving from primary to secondary school is a big change, that whilst exciting, can also be challenging or worrying for many students. The Transition Program that runs throughout Year 7 supports our new students so that their transition to our school is as smooth as possible.
Through the various activities during Homeroom and Pastoral Care and other events held throughout the year, students are supported to build organisational and study skills, develop strong peer relationships and to build a sense of connectedness to the school community.
Year 8 Program
A broad-based common curriculum continues with students consolidating knowledge and skills in preparation for the increased flexibility of Years 9 and 10.
Year 8 subjects
All Year 8 students study: Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Humanities, Science, Languages (Japanese or Italian) and Health & Physical Education for the full year. Semester length subjects include: Visual Art & Design, Music, Drama and STEM (at Science Gallery Melbourne).
Literacy Support classes are undertaken by students not studying a language.
Year 9 Program
Students start the process of identifying what their strengths and interests and are encouraged to develop areas of interest and try new subjects.
Year 9 subjects
All Year 9 students study: Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Humanities, Science, Health & Physical Education, Languages (Japanese or Italian) for the full year.
Literacy Support classes are undertaken by students not studying a language.
Semester length elective subjects include: Studio Arts, Visual Communication & Design, Media, Food Technology, Product Design & Technology (STEM), Music and Drama. Students will choose to do 3 elective, as well as Digital Technologies which is a compulsory subject.