PAM [Parent Access Module]
Our Parent Access Module provides real time access to keep parents updated with their son’s progress, important dates and messages.
Parents can monitor their sons’ progress as it happens. Assessment tasks in our students' learning management system, iSimonds, can be published to PAM allowing parents to easily see due dates, task details, electronically submitted work, assessment results and teacher feedback in real time. Formal reports are released electronically to both students and parents. Parents are able to view all reports for their son in this one location.
Please login to PAM for access to the latest dates and information for your son.
Parents click here to access PAM
Students click here to access iSimonds
Both portals can also be accessed via the Quicklinks Menu.
Need Help?
Click here for a link to a user manual, explaining how to access and navigate PAM.
If you have lost your login information, or you would like to be shown how to log on to PAM, please contact reception for some help.
The school produces a formal report at the end of each semester as well "Approaches to Learning" reports every six weeks. These reports are released electronically and available on PAM.
2025 release dates
Approaches to Learning 14 March, 9 May, 15 August, 10 October
Semester One Report 4 July
Semester Two Report 12 December
Continuous Reporting
The formal reports are designed to complement the Continuous Reporting provided. Results for Assessment Tasks and Class Work can be viewed via PAM as soon as they are released by teachers. Parents are strongly encouraged to log in to PAM frequently to see these updates and monitor their son's progress through the results and feedback provided in all subjects.
The benefits of Continuous Reporting include:
- feedback is timely, targeted and transparent
- progress is able to be tracked over time by students and parents.
Book Parent Teacher Interviews through PAM
Parents can easily book Parent Teacher Interviews through PAM. Once bookings are made, booked times can be easily altered if required and a summary report of bookings can be generated.
2025 Dates
These will be held at the end of Term 1 and in August.
- Term 1 Thursday 3 April onsite @ 2-6pm AND Friday 4 April @ 10am-2pm online via Microsoft Teams.
- Term 3 Wednesday 27 August @ 2-6pm online via Microsoft Teams.
Click here for instructions to book interviews.